· Juices, coffee, and milk from pull-the-lever dispensers
· Raisin bread and folded cold scrambled eggs from the cold cabinet (eggs go in the microwave)
· Oatmeal, sometimes thick and sometimes thin, from the big pot (add granola and/or raisins)
· Cereal found in little one-serving boxes
· Pancakes or waffles : these take two machines, one to dispense batter and one to cook and flip
· Fresh fruit

Our days were spent sitting, selling, and for those interested, walking around the miles and miles of flea market stalls and the car corral. Two guys managed to trudge through the Thursday rain so they could pick up a bus ride to the AACA Museum. Although they were both thoroughly soaked, the museum was worth the trip. Our gallery section shows off photos of several of the displays. The Tucker installation remains as one of the most amazing museum shows anywhere. Its only competition was downstairs where they keep all the busses. What beautiful machines they have! Anything from one of the original Yellowstone Park coaches to the exact bus that carried Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves in the movie Speed was available for our close inspection. A somewhat more elegant bus was the one that had a bit part in Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks rode in it during a scene after a war protest rally. Of course one of my favorite scenes from the film is when Forrest gets on a school bus and meets Jenny for the first time.
Of course we made a couple of videos of ourselves too. The most interesting ones were produced during the Thursday deluge. We were reminded of the difference between new, tight tents compared with old ones that tend to stretch and sag. All that water has to go somewhere. I remember a rather healthy stream that came straight down into my undershirt. That night most of us took showers before dinner rather than after.
If you are looking to have a good time with friends, eat out every night (the Quentin restaurant was my favorite), and browse miles of cars and parts, begin preparing now for next year. Everyone should go at least once!
A & M Pizza: Good selection, huge portions. My favorite was the veal parmesan . The one we went to was right across from our hotel. Remember to stay on the cross walk!
Quentin Tavern: Great food, the best service, and everybody in town wants to get in at the same time.
Gin Mill Restaurant and Tavern: Excellent selection, always crowded, great décor. Parking may be difficult but worth the effort.
56 Diner Restaurant : Just take exit 56 off route 95 in Branford, CT. This place is awesome! Great food at even better prices. The portions are large, the deserts are amazing. I had the prime rib special that included soup or salad and desert, all for $15.00. Thank Tom Link for this one!