Washington County Fair, August 11, 2021
The club turned out about 18 antique cars for this event. All who participated enjoyed a wonderful summer day. The first two to arrive were Merrill and Ken. They both dutifully backed their cars up against the fence next to the dusty road as usual. For those who do not already know, this is a very narrow space to park our old relics which generally do not have power steering. Shortly after we were settled one of the fair organizers came along and asked why we had not been directed to park in the adjacent field which was going to be empty until 5:00 PM. It seems he was the only one who got the memo. As a result he opened the gate and we moved into a huge grass-covered field that had lots of shade along one side. Deluxe accommodations! And for those who walked around the fairgrounds there were many great exhibits including military and farm vehicles. Some of those are included here.
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Note: Click on any gallery photo to see it enlarged. Then you can click on the arrows to move to the next image.