Spring Dust Off, April 20, 2022
The Spring Dust Off took place on a beautiful Wednesday. Most participants met at the Wyoming McDonald's at 9:00 AM and left from there. The trip to Bernat's Antiques in Uxbridge, MA too about 1.5 hours. (Ken, in the lead car, got confused a couple times). After arriving at the antique shop, an old 3-floor mill, everyone spread out and looked for neat stuff. After the antiquing we all went to the Quaker Tavern for lunch. It was a fun trip with no breakdowns! About 16 members participated. Make sure you click on the photos to see them full size. The last two photos are panoramic shots. Click on them to see all the cars at once.
Note: Click on any gallery photo to see it enlarged. Then you can click on the arrows to move to the next image.
Note: Click on any gallery photo to see it enlarged. Then you can click on the arrows to move to the next image.