Items For Sale by Members
Submit all listings to Ken Carr ([email protected]). Your ad will run for 4 weeks and then may be deleted unless you contact us and ask that it be extended. Please include a description of the item, a price, and full contact information. Photographs will also be accepted.

1977 MGB- All minuscules done . Brakes,carb. front end, etc. $9000 invested, first $6500.oo. John Curtiss- AACA # 905606. Call 860-984-3391
Club jackets are always available. They are only ordered after we have accumulated 6 requests and payments. Each jacket is $85.00. They have really nice embroidery and are of high quality. If you are interested, please contact Charlie Nash so you can be put on the list. Pay at time of order.
We have a new batch of club business cards available. If you attended the November 30, 2016 meeting you already have some of these since they were distributed then. Our website address is prominently displayed on the card.
Please offer these to any prospective club members you may meet in your travels. They are a good vehicle for enlisting new members. Ask Bob D. to give you some the next time you see him. They are free to members. |
Club magnetic signs are now up for sale. They are sold in pairs. These are great to put on your car while at shows. Do your bit to promote the club! They are $25 for a set of two. There are only about 6 sets left. Give Jim Varas a call (see membership list for his number) now to reserve your set. Several pairs sold quickly at the last meeting!
For Sale: 1959 Studebaker 1/2 Ton E-Series Scotsman Pickup.
Call Dick Wilson: Home - 401-789-1283, Cell - 401-218-8163, Charlestown, RI # 042616 a |
For Sale: Model B engine with fuel pump and carburetor; 1932 or 1933. This engine is the balanced version and is in excellent condition. $800 OBO
Call Phill. at 401-225-3695 or [email protected] (ad placed by Ken as favor to friend)
Call Phill. at 401-225-3695 or [email protected] (ad placed by Ken as favor to friend)
For Sale: Whole Front End to a 1965 Ford Ranchero. Includes upper and lower A-arms, disc brakes, shocks, coil springs, and sway bar.
Call Don J. at 619-971-1870 . #042816b
Call Don J. at 619-971-1870 . #042816b
For Sale: 1949 Custom Deluxe V8. 1949 Blue in color. Recent repaint. New tires. 49,000 miles. Extra parts go with the car!
Call Mr. Dave Peck, 401-294-3522 #042816c
Call Mr. Dave Peck, 401-294-3522 #042816c
For Sale: I Have a 6 volt OPTIMA battery purchased in December of 2014 that cost over 200 dollars. 95.00 dollars would be acceptable? Call John Leite if interested. Thank you!
TEL: 401-369-0062. #020916a
TEL: 401-369-0062. #020916a

WANTED: I need old junk car parts or tools to feed the creative fire of my budding metal sculpture hobby. Any old car parts especially engine or suspension parts would be great. Rust? No problem. It adds to the character of the creations. If you want to clean out the pile of rusty junk in your garage or basement give me a call and I'll happily clear out the space. Tools, hardware,old bikes, anything mechanical would be greatly appreciated.
Call Bob D. at 860-599-4380. #013116c
Call Bob D. at 860-599-4380. #013116c
For Sale: Kwiklift in like new condition.
Includes manual and instructions. NEW Lower price ! $1,100.00 . Please contact Vickie at 401-741-0049 or email at [email protected] #013016b |
WANTED: Round radius rod for 1967 Camaro. Please contact Bill Ricker if you have a lead on one of these. Email him at: [email protected] #071516