Items For Sale by Members and our Advertisers
Click on either of the two menu items under this For Sale drop-down menu to find what you are looking for.
Club Members: Submit all listings to Ken Carr ([email protected]). Your ad will run for 4 weeks and then may be deleted unless you contact us and ask that it be extended. Please include a description of the item, a price, and full contact information. Photographs will also be accepted.
Advertisers who are not club members: Click on the Local Specialists link under this menu and you will find full instructions and pricing.
Club Members: Submit all listings to Ken Carr ([email protected]). Your ad will run for 4 weeks and then may be deleted unless you contact us and ask that it be extended. Please include a description of the item, a price, and full contact information. Photographs will also be accepted.
Advertisers who are not club members: Click on the Local Specialists link under this menu and you will find full instructions and pricing.