2018 Car Shows : featuring events we have frequented in the past
4/21/2018 Sat. -Cardone & Daughter, Meet at Somewhere In Time at 8:00 AM
4/28/2018 Sat. WPRAACA Spring Dust Off. Newport Car Museum & Newport Creamery. Meet at old Benny's in Westerly at 9:00 AM. Details on calendar.
5/4-7/2018 Fri-Mon., Rhinebeck car show Dutchess County Fairgrounds Rhinebeck, NY Rt. 9 www.rhinebeckcarshow.com
5/11-13/2018 Sat.-Sun., Car show as a part of Misquamicut Beach Spring Fest.
5/28 Mon. the North Stonington Memorial Day parade. Club activity. See calendar for details. Pot Luck Cookout at the Parker's afterwards.
6/3 Sun. British by the Sea show at Harkness memorial state park River Rd. Waterford, CT http://ctmgclub.com/BBtS.html
6/4 Sun, Newport Grand Casino Little Rhody show, presented by RI local of Pontiac Oakland Club.
6/4 Sun, Fred W. Smith Classic Car dealership show Tower Hill Ave. Wakefield RI
6/10-11 Sat.-Sun. Old Sturbridge Village Sturbridge MA Pre 1946 cars only. Pre registration required. The necessary forms are attached to our calendar announcement or you can ask Ken Carr or Carl Carlson to mail copies to you.
6/10 Sat, 2nd Annual URI Firefighters Car and Truck Show, URI campus fire station, 35 Bills Rd, Kingston, RI, 9am-3pm, $10 fee, see fire dept. Facebook Page for details.
6/11 Sun, Rhode Island Street Rod Assn show & swap Washington Co Fairgrounds Rt. 112 Richmond, RI
6/17 Sat, Klingberg Car Show Klingberg Center New Britain, CT http://klingbergautoshow.org/
6/17 Sat - Wed 6/21 The New England Concours d’ Elegance kicks off at 9:00 AM on Saturday, June 17th, 2017 at Mohegan Sun Casino
6/18 Sun. Portsmouth Abbey Show, Cory’s Ln off of Rt 114, Portsmouth, RI 9-2 $15 registration
6/18 Sun. Central Baptist Church car show , Elm St. Westerly, RI . Starts 10:30 AM, arrive 10:15
6/21-6/24 Wed-Sat, Barrett Jackson Auction at Mohegan Sun casino Uncasville, CT 6/25 Sun Collin’s Law benefit show Ft. Getty town park Jamestown RI 11-3 http://www.colinslaw.org/
7/2 to 10/7, Cowboy Cruisers, different shows (regular $10 & Super $15) at different places, make their own trophies. Details on website.
7/16/17 Sun., North Stonington Agricultural Fair, Car Show. This is a paid club event. See our calendar for all details. Arrive at the fairgrounds ball field by 9:30am for a group entrance at 10:00am. We will be staying until 2-3:30 pm. George Coons is point man.
7/16 Sun, Classics by the sea. Protectors of Animals show Ft. Wetheall Jamestown, Rl 7/22 Sat. South County Balloon Festival car show URI athletic fields Plains Rd. Kingston, RI 4-8 PM $15 entry
7/23 Sun Time Machines Show CT area Classic Tbirds club Guilford Fair grounds 111 Lovers Ln Guilford CT (just off of I-95) The club will attend as a group. Meet at Somewhere In Time Restaurant at 8am. See our calendar for full details.
7/25/17 Tues Westerly Health Center, Club Event, Arrive by 4 pm and leave at 7 pm. Bring food. The residents will be ready to see our cars. The Westerly Health Center, 280 High St, Westerly, RI 02891
7/30/17 Sun Dream Machine Classics car show in Voluntown, CT. Cruise to Survive Car / Truck Show, Constitution Field, RT138, Voluntown, CT, 3pm - 7pm, $10 Registration Fee per Vehicle. See their website for details.
8/5 Sat, Little Compton, RI, Little Compton Classic Car Show, at Historical Society, 548 West Main Rd., 11am-3pm, free admin. w/car
8/6 Sun, Charlestown RI Seafood Festival car show Ninigret town park
8/6 Sun, Belltown Car Show Haddam neck fairgrounds East Haddam, CT
8/6 Sun, Manchester, CT Crusin on Main St. Manchester
8/6 Sun. Mishnock Barn Show, 200 Mishnock Rd. W. Greenwich, RI
8/13 Sun Pet Refuge car show “A cause for claws” Ft. Wetherall Jamestown RI http://www.oldride.com/events/4292784.html
8/16 Wed. The Washington County RI fair at the fairgrounds on Rt. 112 in Richmond, RI. We are looking for a few cars on Wednesday to park in a display and represent our old car hobby in Washington Co. Members displaying their cars get free fair admission that day. This is a paid event and we need at least 10 cars to attend. Members wishing to display their cars should meet at the Benny’s store on Rt. 1 in the Dunns Corner section of Westerly at 9 AM. Its easier for the fair managers if we arrive there as a group. http://www.washingtoncountyfair-ri.com/
8/18-20 North Conway New Hampshire Show, at Schouler Park (Settlers Green) next to Railroad Station. Notice that this date is a change from the usual September date. Actual show is on Saturday, Aug. 19. See our calendar for trip details. Also see Hemmings notice. See Don Oster to reserve a room at the Briarcliff Motel.
8/27, Sunday, Tarbox Toyota Classic & Collector Car Show,3671 Quaker Lane, North Kingstown, RI.9:30 am -3 pm, $10 registration, funds raised to support E. G. Animal Protection League. You can register as late as 1:00 pm. 20 trophy categories, food vendors, dash plaques.
9/3 Sun, 2017 Fort Getty Town Park Family Cruise, Jamestown, RI. Fort Getty Park, 1050 Fort Getty Rd, Jamestown, RI 02835, USA. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
9/7-910 Wed-Sun Adirondack Nationals Lake George Village NY
9/8-9/10 Fri-Sun Mt. Washington Car Show N. Conway NH. See club calendar and Don Oster for details
9/9 Saturday, Calabrese Picnic .... the only place to be for WPRAACA members.
9/10 Sun, Brooklyn, CT Brooklyn Fairgrounds Rt. 169. www.yankeeyesteryearcarclub.com
9/10 Sun, Misquamicut Beach Fall festival car show
9/17 Sun, Mystic seaport car show. Pre 1930 cars only
9/15-17 Fri-Sun Hemmings Motor news concours show Lake George NY www.hemmings.com/events/
9/15 and 9/16 Fri-Sat Old Orchard Beach Car Show; Our group will be leaving Friday morning. The plan is to stay over on Sunday night too (only $98/room including taxes at Wave Resort). Contact Don Oster IMMEDIATELY to reserve a room.
9/17 Sun, Roaring 20’s Car Show Bethlehem Fairgrounds, 346 Main St. North (Rt 61)Bethlehem, CT
(formerly held at Southbury Training School Southbury, CT)
9/23 Sat, North Stonington Fall Festival on Main Street. WPRAACA is invited to showcase their cars. Food vendors, hay rides and country fun. Details to follow.
9/24 Sun, Newport car show Ft. Adams Middletown rotary show http://rotaryatthefort.org/
10/4-10,7 Wed-Sun AACA Eastern national show Hershey, PA www.aaca.org
10/7 Sat, Oak Harbor cruise nights car show Rt. 2 Exeter, RI
10/8 Sun, Ocean Tides School car show Narragansett, RI
10/4-10,7 Wed-Sun, AACA eastern national show Hershey, PA www.aaca.org
Note: Please check with event organizers for last minute changes before getting in your old car and heading out for an adventure. Changes in schedule and venue occur often.
2018 Cruises in our area: List compiled by Gerry Lynn
Mark’s Classic Cruise Night. Mon 22 Russell Rd. East Granby, CT The largest weekly cruise night in New England
Colchester CT Town Green. Third Wednesday of the month. 5-8 P. The town green is on Rt 16.
Its about a 45 min drive from Westerly RI up Rt 85 past the Crystal Mall. Its put on by the Good Times Motoring Club.
Dream machines Club Tues. starting 5/8 Home depot parking lot in the Montville Commons shopping center (next to crystal Mall) on Rt. 85
Pomfret, CT Every Saturday, begins Apr 29, 3 pm, at Loos & Co. Grass field. Intersection of Rt. 169 & Rt. 101 Large raffle pots, nearby restaurant.
Niantic, CT VFW, 2nd & 4th Mon. of the month, 5:30 pm. (this one's new to me)
SE CT Mustang Club Uncasville, CT Sat. 5P, run by the , Located in the center of Montville, 601 Rt. 32. Every 3rd Sat., May-Sept.
Alice Acres Farm, Gales Ferry, CT 1-4 P 1st Sat. of the month at 39 Military Highway, Gales Ferry, CT
Nature's Art Dinosaur, Rt. 85 Oakdale section of Montville. first Tues of the mo. 5-8 P. Paved parking lot,
Nature's art food or David's rest. across the street. May 2-Sept 5.
Ocean Beach Park New London, every Mon. 5-8. No admission charge, parking with late beach goers.
arrive early to get coveted parking next to the beach boardwalk. Ocean Beach food
Big Dawggs Car & Motorcycle Cruise Night, one Thursday night per month (5/18, 6/22, 7/20, 8/17, 9/21, & 10/19), 5-8 pm, DiRoma Home & Garden Center, 1111 Voluntown Rd., Griswold CT. Cancellations will be posted on Facebook page. Free $3 coupon for driver & guest.
Hank’s Dairy Bar cruise, 1006 Norwich Rd. Plainfield, CT 5-8 PM Starting 5/30 and held every OTHER Tuesday after that
Arooga's Grille House & Sports Bar,,Route 32, Uncasville, CT, every Friday night, 6pm - 8pm, All Classic Cars, American & Foreign, Muscle Cars, Post WW1 Vehicles, Trucks, Military and Special Interest Vehicles are Welcome
Uncasville, CT Sat. 5-8 PM, THIRD Sat. of the mo. May-Sept run by the SE CT mustang club, Located in the center of Montville 601 Rt. 32.
Gales Ferry, CT 1-4 P FIRST Sat. of the month at Alice Acres market/Cows & Cones ice cream 39 Military Hgy Gales Ferry, CT
Rhode Island
Misquamicut Beach Westerly RI. Thursdays 5:30-Dusk, Atlantic Ave., Paddy's restaurant, East lot. Gravel lot, food nearby.
Oak Harbour Mall, Rt. 2 Exeter, RI. Mondays 5-8. Park on grass, food in the shopping center. (unconfirmed - no response to inquiry)
Billy Hill's - every Friday from 5pm to 9pm, starting May 12th! They will have outdoor music and some great food/drink deals during that time as well.
Oakland Beach Cruise Night Warwick, RI, Tuesday, 5-8. Park next to Narragansett Bay. Food nearby (Iggy's and Top Of The Bay)
Only complaint I hear is that its one way in and out so nobody leaves till the end.
Shore Dinner Hall Rt. 1 Dunn's corner section of Westerly RI. One cruise/show with a different "theme" for each monthly cruise.
Cruises are on different Sundays in different months. from 9-3 park on asphalt behind diner.
Cruises on 4/30, 5/14, 6/18, 6/24 GM & Mopar, 7/22, 8/20 Ford, 9/3, 10/1 401-575-6938
Gillette Stadium Cruise, billed as Largest in New England, every other Thurs., starting 4/13/17, every other Thurs. Apr-Nov. AKA Bass Pro Shop Cruise -Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, MA
Note: Please check with event organizers for last minute changes before getting in your old car and heading out for an adventure. Changes in schedule and venue occur often. It is often difficult to confirm cruise night schedules. Check websites often.
Featured Car Shows for 2018
(icons above announcements lead to show flyer)
4/21/2018 Sat. -Cardone & Daughter, Meet at Somewhere In Time at 8:00 AM
4/28/2018 Sat. WPRAACA Spring Dust Off . Newport Car Museum & Newport Creamery. Meet at old Benny's in Westerly at 9:00 AM. Details on calendar.
5/4-7/2018 Fri-Mon., Rhinebeck Car Show Dutchess County Fairgrounds Rhinebeck, NY Rt. 9 www.rhinebeckcarshow.com
5/11-13/2018 Sat.-Sun., Car show as a part of Misquamicut Beach Spring Fest.
5/28 Mon. the North Stonington Memorial Day parade. Club activity. See calendar for details. Pot Luck Cookout at the Parker's afterwards.
6/3 Sun. British by the Sea show at Harkness memorial state park River Rd. Waterford, CT http://ctmgclub.com/BBtS.htm