4 cars included Tom link and Jim Varas in the 1948 Plymouth, Don Oster and Dave Peterson in the 1937 Ford, Sonny Goodness in his 1952 Chevy and Dave Calabrese in the 1960 Buick.
We drove to the show via route 2 to the Mass Turnpike, continuing to the NY Thruway. At the first rest stop we met Skippy Madden from Massachusetts in his late model Camaro. He was going to room with Sonny, but prefers the 75 MPH speed over our 55 to 65 MPH, so we met him later at the host hotel.
We arrived at the host Hotel around 1 PM, picked up our tickets to the show, and had lunch at the outside grill set up by Right Coast, the show sponsors.
We proceeded to our hotel, the Ramada Inn at Carrier Circle.
On Friday Morning we had breakfast at 6:00 AM and on the road to the New York State Fair Grounds by 6:30. Tom’s good friend Tom Rooney saved us a spot near our usual area and we parked, set up the tent, and prepared for a day of walking to look at the 8000 odd cars that would attend throughout the weekend.
Don has a bunch of photos of the show and of the group sitting on the side of the road during the 3 days. My photos are only of a custom built 1953 Chevrolet Nomad Wagon (never built by Chevrolet) and a mid-engine Chevrolet pickup.

We returned to our roadside observatory by 3:30 PM and again had dinner at Grimaldi’s.
Saturday AM we left at the same time to assure our parking area was still available. Tom Rooney again was there really early and saved our spot.
We spent most of this day looking at the flea market and the Rat Rods along with the rest of the show cars. Tom Link is always amazed at the creativity of the custom and Rat Rod builders. I believe we all feel the same.
After another long day, we were back at the roadside by 4:00 PM. We had Pizza delivered from Nicks Pizza and enjoyed it by the roadside. Skippy opted for 3 Burger King burgers and French fries.
Sunday we checked out at around 6:30 AM and headed south to our next stop, The Northeast Classic Car Museum in Norwich NY. We had a very scenic drive over local state roads and arrived at the museum around 9:30 AM. We spent the next few hours looking through the Staley collection, Pre-war Collection, Auburns, Packards, Cords, Duesenberg and the Franklin Exhibit, along with about 40 plus motorcycles. We took a break for lunch at Nina’s in town, and had a really fabulous and filling lunch.
After lunch we returned to the museum and went through 2 more buildings including the Post War Collection, Muscle Cars, and cars made in New York. Another building brought us to Trucks at work, including 20’s thru 40’s trucks, followed by a room of WWI and WWII airplane engines, some project vehicles found in barns, and a tribute to Bennet-Ireland Manufacturers.
We finally left the museum around 4:00 PM. We had looked at over 170 cars plus the other exhibits. It was a thoroughly rewarding day, all for $9.00 each. Of note is that each vehicle had a description and pertinent history, which have been provided in the photos.
I have provided quite a few photos of the cars that interested me, including a tag along camper, made in NY that my wife Pat told me her family had when she was young.

On Monday, we got back on the road by 6:30 AM. Our first stop was at Hoppies in Oxford for a most entertaining Breakfast. Our waitress Theresa was most entertaining as were all the regular customers. We sang Happy Birthday to one lady and met a donor of the museum. The coffee was cold because she forgot to turn on the coffee maker. But she made up with plenty of hot once she got it going, and the food was excellent.
Next stop was for gas about 5 miles down the road. Our first car related issue occurred here. Sonny’s belt was squealing and further investigation showed the alternator bracket had come loose. A short trip to NAPA for a bolt, and Tom Link at the helm, and we were back on the road in less than a half hour for only $1.43.
We followed Route 12, south and picked up route 17 down to I-84 east. Then we went through Waterbury to I-691 to Route 9 and I-95 home. The rest of the trip went flawlessly.
I am sure the trip was enjoyed by all and it looks like a repeat for next year. Applications will be taken to participate and we do review each applicant thoroughly. So there are no guarantees of an invitation. We just have too much fun.